One Fundamental Change
Instead of the current approach of investing for retirement during one's working years (typically from age 23 to age 65), the BIGShift capitalizes on the much longer investment horizons of young children, by helping them FINISH investing for retirement before their 3rd birthdays, when it costs over 96% LESS.
Compare these 2 scenarios:
If a child follows the conventional path and waits until age 24 to begin investing for retirement, to accumulate the $10 million* in retirement savings they'll likely require by age 65 (as a result of inflation), they'll need to invest $24,782 per year, for 42 years, which totals $1,040,844.
In contrast, with our help, a parent can enable their child to accumulate this same $10 million* by investing for their child $13,382 per year, for just the first 3 years of their child's life. This costs over $1,000,000 less.
Discover how this one fundamental change benefits:
their parents;
our economy;
businesses & professionals; and
the government
Here's a glimpse at HOW we do it.
You can help and benefit more immediately by becoming a:
BIGShift Accelerator; and/or
BIGShift Member
provided the S&P 500 continues to perform as it has over the past 65 years